

I am not sure if it is my age, lack of exercise or the preceding cozy winter months but I am looking just a little bit pregnant.  (I'm not)  Today I decided to design a blouse to disguise the situation.  I have sent it off to the pattern makers and will let you know what they come back with.


  1. i am not sure daphne will be that honored with this design named after her (given its purpose)

  2. Looks very pretty! I admire your skills at designing clothes. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment - hope you will come back again :)

  3. FYI- you do NOT look the slightest big pregnant! Cute blouse anyways.

  4. I need that blouse! (not pregnant either but always look about 4-5 months...)

    Kacey (like you, but letters switched).


  5. My son just said to me today, "Mom you look like you might have another baby!" Thanks sweetie. Really just too many cookies?
    I saw your wonderful home in a magazine while on vacation and wrote down your name...because I ADORED every inch of your home, and knew you'd just have to have a blog. And lo and behold...love your design work...especially the dresses.
