
just finished

I just finished this book and I loved it. Perhaps that is because I enjoy people that are not "normal". I never rode a short bus but I have self diagnosed myself as dyslexic.

My bedside table is empty...any suggestions?


  1. I just finished "Little Bee" by Chris Cleave. Very Good. Another one of my favorites is "A Year of Wonders" by Geraldine (something)?

  2. No wonder we get along! Normal is so overated!!!
    Read, "Little Bee" and now have a stack, "Still Alice"-
    "Cutting for Stone" - "Flapper" -
    happy reading on any long or short bus!

  3. "The Bolter" by Frances Osborne. Wonderful, true story. Also enjoying Nora Eprhon's.... "I Feel Bad About My Neck". Love your blog, Kayce!

  4. I'll have to check this one out! I just finished "Fall" by Colin McAdam (psychological who-dun-it), as well as "Lowcountry Summer," by Dorthea Benton Frank (lite fair, but enjoyable).

  5. I'll have to check this one out! I just finished "Fall" by Colin McAdam (psychological who-dun-it), as well as "Lowcountry Summer," by Dorthea Benton Frank (lite fair, but enjoyable).

  6. I'm 99.9% sure you already know about it, but I just finally read Eat, Pray, Love and really enjoyed it!

  7. Oh man, that seems like just the book for me. I can't think of anything right now...for you to read...

  8. I couldn't agree more with PVE, normal is so overrated! Thanks for the suggestion, I just devoured The Help and couldn't more highly suggest it!!
