
carpet help

I can not figure out where I found this image but if you know please let me know so that I can give it credit.
I am on the hunt for the "carpet" like the one used in this room. I bought one years ago from pier one imports but they no longer carry it. It was made of lots of 12 inch squares loosely sewn together so that it was easy to add two together etc. I would love any clues you all might have!


  1. Hi Kayce,
    I saw that style at World Over - http://www.worldmarket.com/

    I think though it's on perhaps in store only...perhaps because they come as you mentioned.


  2. I agree with Trina - world market. I have seen that image, but no help.

  3. I don't know about it, but I do love it!

  4. World Market carries them. They come in strips about 12" wide by 5 feet long and you can line them up to create an entire rug. Looks like they only sell them in the store though. . .

  5. It does look lovely! So natural and inviting, like you're stepping into Fiji...

  6. have you tried world market on charlotte??

  7. I'll agree with the others - I've seen that those natural rugs at World Market a while back. Hopefully, they still have them. I could be wrong but I think that home is a Ruthie Sommers designed space from Town & Country, maybe?

  8. Hi Kayce! I've been visiting your blog by way of the twins (Erika and Darby). I love the carpet too, but am not sure where you can buy it these days as I do remember when this was at Pier 1 yeas ago. However, I do know the photo is by Victoria Pearson courtesy of House Beautiful. It is the home of one of my fave interior designers Ruthie Sommers (Erika is also on that roster of faves)! Best, Kate
    p.s. I love your clothing lines! Stunning and classic with your personal flair!

  9. Kayce- Design by Ruthie Sommers, photo by Victoria Pearson, House Beautiful March 2011.

    I used that image in a post because of Peter Dunham's fig leaf fabric!



  10. Hi! It is Ruthie Sommers house!
