

I am in love with these looks from Dsquared.

Loving the higher waist. And whats not to love about pink pants?


  1. These looks are so me! They make me look forward to fall shopping, although since I'm beachy kind of gal I will wait patiently until the summer season is over. Thanks for sharing these looks!

  2. Kayce,
    Just opened my August Southern Living and there you were!! You and your daughter are too cute!! And stylish! Love the dress and horn cuff, you know I am all about a giant bracelet. And Clare is adorable, a dress for the Oscars? That's my kind of girl!! xoSissy

  3. Another small world! I just received my Southern Living all the way here in Chicago and I said to myself ... whoever this stylish red dress and fabulous boot wearing person is, I want to be just like. And it was you! Your daughter is adorable too!

  4. Just got my Southern Living...and who do I see?! You and your daughter look amazing!! Congrats!

  5. Me too. So fun to see you in SL! You both are beauitful. I bet it was fun!!!

  6. I LOVE this look. I even have a pair of pants that exact color in hot pink linen. They have a really high waist, but only because they're so old! Mama taught me to never toss your good stuff. I also just bought a pair of high waisted Chloe pants. I can't wait to wear them this fall. I must see this copy of Souther Living! Congratulations.

  7. I do like those looks, but I think I'd need to be 6 feet tall to pull it off (my 5'2 frame just couldn't cut it). And, congrats on the feature in Southern Living!

  8. i am in love with YOU and your darling daughter in SL..i was so excited to see your name...of course you must frame..so great!

  9. Yes! I love these looks too..in a big way. If only I was so leggy...
