"Beauty Must-Haves for Spring!!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at 8:58pm
Today at 8:46pm
This is a long one…. so print it out and enjoy with a cup of tea.
I am in constant search for the best products for my clients. One of my most favorite tasks is to research what ingredients make a product great and then creating the perfect skin regimen for that individual’s skin type.
As I deal with all kinds of different skin issues in my job, it requires me to study and research hundreds of skin care lines. In that process, I come across some amazing products and countless “not so good” products. I work with several local cosmetic stores and am given bags of things to try monthly. I always tell the companies that want me to endorse their “latest and greatest products” that I can’t and won’t sell anything I don’t absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! Those of you who know me know I will tell you what works and what is a big waste of money.
When my clients come in with bags of things they have tried but didn’t give them what they were promised in an advertisement, it excites me to find EXACTLY what THEIR skin needs to get the results that bring huge change to their skin.
These are just a few of my personal fun favorites. I am asked daily what I use from lip-gloss to paint colors. I have such a love and eye for beautiful things. I live through my senses and I’m passionate about what I do; helping people feel and look their best.
My hobby is PRODUCTS!!!!
I never have one of anything…
Sunscreen/Tinted SPF
• Eucerin SPF 30 for sensitive skin (pink top) $8. Great for light everyday use. I even like to put it on, let it dry then add a tinted moisturizer.
• Blue Lizard Australian SPF 30, Banana Boat Kids continuous spray SPF 30 (just check for titanium dioxide and zinc as top ingredients for good sun protection). I like those for the beach, walking outside or any serious outdoor activities.
• Revision SPF 45 with Co Q 10 $49. Nice dewy finish (This is one incredible product if you tend to be dry and have fair to medium skin tone.)
• Healthy Wear Tinted SPF 50 by Physicians Formula at Drugstore $11. (Very pretty, glowy finish)
• Elizabeth Arden’s 8 hour Skin Protectant Cream/Ointment $17. Now, I am a huge Aquaphor fan but every now and then I’ll splurge on this emollient treatment that holds moisture to the skin. I put a tiny bit under my eyes and lips at night for a TREAT! Great for dry hands and feet.
• Bath and Body Works $9 Pink Grapefruit body lotion. Just get ready to buy stock in the company. I started using this during facials for the arm massage and got so many requests that I contacted the company and they now send it to me to make samples for my clients. It is Spring in a bottle!
• Molton Brown’s, White Mulberry hand soap $22. My husband John, who never notices any type of smell, always makes a comment about this hand soap. So for Spring I keep White Mulberry on his vanity and the Rose Granati on mine. It takes me back to a vacation in England and staying at this charming Bed and Breakfast in the Country. The Cosmetic Market has it in their stores. There are many scents to choose from in this line.
I have a high profile client that came in for her monthly facial, she walked in my room and I was blown away by her scent. It was not a perfumey smell; it was so soft and subtle. I asked her what in the world it was. I was expecting some high dollar fragrance name from L.A. She smiled and said, “Karee it is my secret scent.” Of course I begged her to tell me with a little extra facial bribe. Lo and behold it is $9 Amber Oil from Whole Body. All I can say is it has a gold top with a green and red label and I buy 5 at a time. I also like $8 Persian Garden oil. You may have to sample a few to see which ones are for you. I mix oils all the time. Water Goddess mixed with Vanilla Musk is heavenly. Another similar story also led me to the “Perfect Pair” store in Green Hills for my #2 scent, $149 Molecule. Just be ready for people to follow you around like crazy trying to figure out what that marvelous smell is…YOU! It is very SEXY!
• Eminence Lemon, Sweet Rose and Coconut Cleansers are YUMMY! I am so crazy about these cleansers and skin care line. See for yourself. I can make you samples to try when you come for facials and help you find the perfect ones for your skin. I’ve experimented with every Eminence product there is and have not met one I did not like yet. Fire Thorn and Linden are a couple of my faves for dry skin and Stone Crop is nice for oily skin.
• Mascara
Lash Blast by Cover Girl (very black)
Full and Soft by Maybelline (very black)
Stiletto by Maybelline does it all.
• Bronzers/Blush
Dallas by Benefit
Orgasm by Nars
Pale Pink by Bobby Brown
• Lip Gloss
Passion Fruit by L’Oreal (Color Juice) @ Kroger/Drugstores
Bobby Brown in Neutral @ Woo
Mother Pucker at Target for a lip plumper
Belize by Nars @ Sephora
• Brow Pencils
Vanity Mark (I use Blonde and shade in the reverse direction)
Cover Girl (blonde) red pencil
This is just a must have in your Beauty Bag! Don’t underestimate the power of a clean waxed or shaped brow, they can change the whole face. It is all about symmetry when shaping your brows.
Now the best for last…
• Latisse for SUPER long lashes $125
• (Retin A $60 -$160) of course with proper SPF keeps us shedding that dead skin so we can glow. Remember it is very important to have your skin therapist evaluate your skin once per season to adjust Retin A if needed. I use 3 different %’s throughout the year. (I apply 2-3 times a week in the summer on damp skin)
• The Counter Clockwise Mask, it significantly reduces hyper pigmentation and is phenomenal for Melasma, fine lines and is the mother of all "PEELS". Your skin looks like brand new baby skin in 2 weeks. Minimal downtime!!!
• Moroccan Oil (wish I had this the past 20 years.) My hair has never been the same.
• Element Salon is truly one of Nashville’s best-kept secrets. I have never once left that place and did not LOVE my hair. (615-727-8484) Kevin, Abby, Lewis and Story all have done my hair and you can’t go wrong with any of them. You have to get their Pro Titanium Blow Dryer it cuts hair drying in half and makes your hair feel like silk.
• Amazing Cosmetics (concealer that just melts into your skin) Less is more with this product. @ Woo Cosmetics
Happy Spring!
Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.
-- Confucius
Love that almost everything isn't from some expensive faraway exclusive department store. I can do Target, Rite Aid, Walgreens! This is awesome.
Thanks Karee! Your list was helpful. I am a fan of Eminence Organics too (Lime Stimulating Masque is my fav). Do you know which Molecule you smelled? There seems to be two.
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