Loretta at apples and rubies nicely nominated me for:
My assignment is to share 7 things you probably don't know about me...

1. I never wear black.

5. A few weeks ago I died my hair red from a box at Walgreen's. My husband says it looks fake but I think I like it.

painting by pat grillo
7. I have never been officially diagnosed but my horrible spelling indicates that I am dyslexic.
I thought it would be fun to pass this along to a few of my friends who blog here in Nashville. Please take a peek at their blogs that are as wonderful as they are...
melodie at pink cupcake vintage
sara at saraspartyperfect
betsy at artstormer
liza and elizabeth at style blueprint
in true freaked out blog stalker fashion....
lilly is your aunt?
pictures from your luncheon would be fabulous. seriously.
style clearly runs in your great genes!
no black? ever?
grinding your own wheat?
of course you do
& natural childbirth...well i suspected as much.
i am now completely crushed on you.
oops, dinner, not luncheon.
I remember that picture and your adorable bulldog! Ahh look how precious you all are! Love the hair color story. When are you writing a book about raising all these wonderful children?
Congratulations on your award!! I love coming over to your blog...you so deserve it.
Cute photo of you and your sibs!
let's see the red hair...
Great pictures! I think raising 4 kids was tough, I can't imagine 7.
Hats off to you lady!
wow, how cool to have such a stylish aunt, and you must show us your red hair! I love red heads, have a red head daughter and I LOVe her hair!
What a fabulous and colorful family you must have! What fun answers you have. :)
Kayce- So happy to give you this award,as you ARE so stylish, and we now know it runs in the family. Looking forward to your next Friday date night photo when we can see what you wear with the red hair!
I am so smitten with the photograph of you and your sweet siblings, (the last a little boy?), in those adorable matching blue and white outfits and high white knee socks. Beautiful.
I'm catching the next flight to Nashville from Albany to check up on your friends. What, bad weather ahead? Okay, scrap that - I'll just surf their blogs while I listen to Taylor Swift.
Oh, I love this post. I can see where you got your verve and style from ....and so wonderful to see pics of your children. (I also don't wear black and I've never met someone else who's the same...)
And I thought you were talented before!!! I truly admire that you never were black. I rarely wear black because there is something about it I am not crazy about...I can’t even put my finger on it. The bulldog in your family photo is darling! I am not surprised you are related to LP because you have such a great eye and unique style. Thanks for giving us a peek into your life! xx
Lilly is your aunt? Wow! But, I think I'm more impressed that you did natural childbirth with all but one of your kids. Holy moly, girl!
7 Children...and natural. You are amazing!! Well deserved award ~
I still have no idea how you manage with 7 - I guess oldest of 6 explains it. And absolutely ADORE that wonderful shot of your crew. That would be so great blown up HUGE on a family or play room wall.
Loved learning more about you! You are a brave woman to do natural childbirth and so many times! I also just dyed my hair for the first time with a kit. Mine's a little red too. I bet yours looks adorable!
No wonder you have such sassy style. The Lily Pulitzer blood is in you. Have worn her dresses for 39 years!
This was a really fun post.
I have to say your 7 things are the most interesting and impressive I've read yet! Wow. Now, show a picture of your red hair! And one last thing, being a terrible speller myself I've always liked to quote Mark Twain who said, "spelling is not an indication of intelligence" Or something like that :)
I had SO much fun reading your 7 facts! As if 7 children wasn't enough... you grind your own wheat too! Congrats on the much deserved kudos!!
I'm happy to know you better, iron woman! :-)
You are 5 girls and 1 boy?
I love this post.
Congratulations! What a treat to learn more about you! I am impressed!
YOu are so cute. I did not know any of those things. I want to see the redhead pic!
I just found your blog...love the clothes..wish I could afford them but I can't :(
I am also dyslexic ♥
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